Bass Technique Lesson (The Hammer)

10,00 $

✅Includes a high quality PDF.
✅Includes a video with all the exercises recorded in high quality.

28 exercises for mastering the “Hammer On” on bass guitar.
Instant access to download after purchase.
This method will make you less clumsy and much more technical.



Bass Technique Video lessons of the Hammer on.
28 exercises to become a Bass Pro.

This method of electric bass technique contains 28 exercises recorded on video.
The technique you will master is the hammer-on.

It is an essential articulation technique for playing the bass guitar. After watching this video and studying the detailed PDF you will be able to play scales on the bass using the technique and the Hammer On.

✅Includes a high quality PDF.
✅Includes a video with all the exercises recorded in high quality.

hammer half tone
hammer tone
hammer tone- half tone
hammer pairs of fingers
hammer vertical half tone
hammer vertical tone
hammer vertical tone- half tone
hammer vertical ascending fifths
hammer vertical descending thirds
hammer vertical ascending octaves
hammer vertical descending sixths
hammer vertical 3 fingers
hammer vertical 4 fingers
hammer vertical half tone-tone
hammer vertical tone- half tone
hammer vertical tone-tone
hammer vertical half tone tone-half tone
hammer independent fingers
hammer zig-zag
hammer horizontal 3 fingers 1 press
hammer horizontal 4 fingers 1 press
hammer diminished arpeggio
hammer hexatone scale
hammer whith pentatonics
hammer minor scale
hammer major scale


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