Below we will make a detailed explanation about all bass guitar parts.
Keep in mind that not all models are the same so let’s focus on the most important parts and all the components of a bass.
The Neck
The bass neck is a key piece in the instrument because over it we have the fretboard and the frets to play.
It is where we slide the thumb of our left hand if we are right-handed, it must be soft and comfortable to facilitate the movements.
It is the end of the neck and it is where the strings find their end along with the tuning pegs.
The Headstock can be of different design, mainly with all pegs on the same side or with pegs on both sides.
Tuning Pegs
The tuning pegs hold the ends of the strings. (The other ends are anchored to the bridge of the body.)
By turning the individual tuning heads, you can increase or decrease the tension of the strings, which increases or decreases the pitch (sound), pitch.
The nut is a small piece of wood, plastic, graphite or bone that provides a hold for the end of the strings with a small notch for each string.
This element is important because it is in charge of transmitting the vibration of the string.
The fretboard in the bass is attached to the front of the neck and is the flat side of the neck, where you will find the frets that are embedded in it.
It is the part where the fingers are pressed to produce the notes.
The neck and the fretboard are usually two separate pieces, but not always.
Between the neck and the fingerboard is the Truss Rod
Truss Rod
The Truss Rod is the life of our instrument because it makes it live and reacts to changes in temperature and pressure without problems.
If we did not have this element in our bass, it would literally split because it would not be flexible.
The Truss Rod is a metal rod between the bass fingerboard and the neck and we have access to it through an orifice in our bass.
Depending on the bass model it is at the beginning or the end of the neck. we can make adjustments to it with a key, but this is a delicate issue as we can cause irreparable damage to our instrument, so, this task should be done by a luthier.
Adjustments are to tension or loosen that screw and this makes it change the curvature of our mast.
If you want to know more about the Truss Rod visit our section on how to adjust the Truss Rod to a bass.
They are the thin metal strips that are embedded in the fretboard, perpendicular to the strings. the frets delimit the tone of the note that is played.
They are arranged in semitones (the smallest unit in our western system).
When a string is pressed against a fret, the vibratory length of the string varies, and therefore its pitch changes.
The strings are one of the elements of the bass that have to be replaced periodically because they wear out, get dirty and lose their natural shine.
The strings are attached to the tuning pegs at one end and to the bridge at the other.
The sound is produced by the vibration of the strings and is picked up by the pickups.
If you want to tune your strings and still do not know, stop by our section to know the notes of the bass
The Body
The body of the bass is the essence of the bass because it gives it its form.
There are different designs of bodies, some facilitate much the execution to be more comfortable than others.
Keep in mind that the forearm rests on the body and it is good that it has a lower to facilitate movement.
Pickups or Microphones
These are magnets embedded in a plastic bar that are located below and perpendicular to the ropes.
They act as microphones because they capture the sound that we will send to the amplifier.
They can have two magnets for each string or a long magnet for all the strings.
The magnets form a magnetic field, and the vibration of the string disturbs (or modulates) that field.
This modulation is then translated into an electrical signal, which in turn is converted into sound.
Tone and pickup selector controls
These are the potentiometers used to adjust the volume and the tone (bass and treble) of the pickups.
They are located in the lower part of the body.
They allow us to make different sound adjustments, mix the pickups or play individually with them. Normally each style we play will require a new setting.
The Bridge
The bridge is where the strings of our bass are anchored, it is where our strings come from; it holds one end of each string.
Modern pickups, such as electric piezo pickups or light wave pickups, are sometimes installed inside the bridge.
These pickups read the vibration of the string on the bridge.
Strap Screws
These are the screws that are embedded in the body, where the ends of the shoulder strap are placed. one is located in the middle of the body and the other at the top.
This is where we will introduce the strap.
There are those that have a safety lock so that the strap can never be released.
Jack Socket
This is the plug used to connect the bass cable to the amplifier.
The electric bass needs a JACK-JACK cable to connect to the amplifier, the cable is male and our input on the bass is female to make the connection. It is located on the lower side of the body.